Swords Coast

Primarily based in the grand city of Waterdeep, these adventuring parties protect their patrons, the city, and countryside when called upon. Though they have never formally met, their paths have crossed more than once.

The Waterdeep Irregulars

From the Beginning | Most Recent

Human. Sea Storm Herald Barbarian.

The well groomed barbarian, Bonu.

Bonu is an artist at heart. Unfortunately, he often gets profiled as the big, strong, hit-things-hard kind of guy. He is currently experimenting with flavor profiles, in a heated ( and secret ) baking competition with half the city bakers, and fighting for justice with his best buddies in Waterdeep, the closest place to home he’s had in a long time.

Human. Drunken Master Monk of Shaundakul.

The rugged older monk, Edwin.

Edwin learned quickly there was power in information. While training at the temple, he protected his hardworking mother and younger half-brother through grit and guile. With his brother grown, Edwin took to the road and joined rank with a curious guild of adventurers for a time. Edwin’s travels have since brought him to Waterdeep where a new brand of adventure awaits.

Wildhunt Shifter. Life Cleric of Grumbar.

Grumbar, the haggard cleric.

A cleric who followed the tenets of his god devotedly for decades, Grumbar is now a tired and wounded old man. He blames his god for his family’s death, so he forswore his faith and took Grumbar’s name as his own in disrespect. After nearly a decade as an alcoholic invalid, Grumbar has felt the glimmerings of new faith. There can’t be forgiveness, but perhaps he can find closure.

Triton. Arcane Archer Fighter.

Keros, the bright-eyed fighter.

Born to a family with adventure and faith in their blood, Keros swore himself to Selune’s Swords of the Lady young. Though in a constant state of well meaning, he comes off as terribly eccentric. Some things you just don’t learn about growing up as a triton zealot in the south — like yetis. But despite his quirks, Keros is a good fish at heart and would lay down his life to protect those he loves.

Goth Girl Gang

Eladrin Elf. Wu Jen Mystic.

When her psionic abilities were triggered by her parent’s deaths, Artemis was taken in by a sage order. Attuned to the elements, she studied under for years before her order entrusted her with an ancient text. To make sure it never falls in the wrong hands, she’s left the Feywilds and hopes to use her unique abilities to not only keep it safe, but leave the world a little brighter than when she found it.

Kender Halfling. Whispers Bard/Rogue.

Cora has almost no memories of her childhood beyond fighting to survive. After picking the purse of an orc in the woods, she learned to work smarter until thieving became second nature. She’s not the trusting kind, but partnered with Artemis she knows the mystic has her back and that together they’ll be alright — a good thing when it seems like her mother is haunting her.

[ Recurring NPCs ]

— Waterdeep Irregular Portraits by @metr8nomy